Henkel and Dometic have joined forces to create an innovative window frame seal for motorhomes, caravans, and minibusses. Dometic, known for its outdoor gear and as a supplier to OEMs in the motorhome and caravan sector, collaborated with Henkel to develop a seal using the specialized polyurethane foam gasket Fermapor K31. This 2K sealing foam, characterized by high viscosity and rapid curing, ensures optimal weatherproofing for the windows.
"This allows a great deal of design freedom in the window frame design and relatively narrow and high gasket cross-sections," says Peter Fischer, Senior Manager of Market & Customer Activation for the Sonderhoff portfolio at Henkel.
The application process involves using a Sonderhoff dosing machine equipped with a robot-controlled mixhead to automatically and precisely apply the foam to the window frames. Employing the formed-in-place foam gasket process, the mixed-cell foam gasket boasts excellent compression, resulting in low closing forces during window installation and the ability to compensate for dimensional tolerances. Henkel emphasizes that the polyurethane foam gasket is not only more cost-effective but also more sustainable than traditional butyl seals, reducing both weight and installation time.
Source: Henkel AG