The polyols production of Chimcomplex in Vâlcea, Romania, has been upgraded and expanded. Innovation Norway provided support for the €2.4 million project, which was completed in collaboration with International Development Norway.
The company's polyols capacity was raised to 187kT/year in 2022 with the opening of the €40 million polyols plant in Vâlcea. Additional biobased production implemented under the new green technology project has increased capacity by 17kT/year.
“Over the past five years, Chimcomplex specialists from the Advanced Polyol Research and Development Center have created new experimental polyol types, which can now be rapidly tested and widely used by our clients,” said project manager Amalia Ionescu. “Fine chemicals add value to Romania overall and to consumers in particular. We all desire safer and healthier products for everyday use. You can rely on the expertise of chemists to find solutions for environmental challenges and develop technologies that reduce our planet’s negative impact.”
The idea was to substitute less-polluting natural oils like castor, soybean, and palm for fossil-based raw materials. The polyols will go to production and be used to make PU foams following client testing. The company claims that by substituting the new green polyols for conventional polyols, CO2 emissions will be reduced by up to 3.4kT/year.
Source: Chimcomplex